The department of Puno (3817m above sea level) is located in the South Oriental of Peru. It has an accidental topography as many of its cities located in the highlands. To the North with Madre de Dios (187m above sea level), to the South with Tacna (560m above sea level) to the East with Bolivia (3600m above sea level), and to its West with Cusco (3399m above sea level), Arequipa (2336m above sea level) and Moquegua (546m above sea level). It has an approximate extension of 72392m2 and a population that is above one million people. Its capital is Puno, located at the shore of Lago Titicaca and over 3827 above sea level. Among the most important cities we have: Juliaca, Azángaro, Huancané, Lampa and Yunguyo. You can get there in 6 hours from Cusco and 5 hours from Arequipa that are the most important entrance connections.
Its Weather:
Puno has a cold and semi-dry weather, with a yearly average of 8°C going down to 0°C during winter time.